Wednesday, April 4


Kieran asked me the other day if there was anything I didn't like about our trip so far. I had one thing and one thing only. Small western American towns seem to only have instant coffee. And boy do I like my morning barista brewed coffeeEven when a big flashing neon sign says cappuccino it still means instant coffee. Reaching San Antonio - the first city we had stepped foot in since Los Angeles meant my wish was granted. 

We hired bikes and rode around the city finding thrift shops to wander in. However we spent most of our four days here by the Riverwalk. A place where boats circle a timid river which is hugged by sidewalks on either side filled with miles and miles of busy bars and restaurants with colourful umbrellas. I visited Venice two years ago and I would go as far as saying that it looks/feels like Venice - but better. 

San Antonio is also home to the Spurs. We bought tickets to our first NBA game and headed towards the AT&T Center excitedly. If we have learned anything about America it is that the drinks that you pay for are very generous in size. Kieran and I were happily drinking and watching the game when during half-time our pleased faces came on the big screen during the Kiss-Cam. We were both shocked and embarrassed, as we looked at each other and kissed - just like they do in the movies. We laughed hard afterwards as the crowd cheered around us. 

After a big night like that, we both felt worse for wear the next day so we headed back towards the Riverwalk to add colour to our day. We spent a whole day there. Growing up by the water, there's something about being near the river that gives us a sense of home. It got me thinking about the people that I miss. I wondered about what they were doing, how they are and longing for when I would see them again. This motivated me to buy some postcards and write home sending our love. They all start with 'Hello from Texas! We are safe and sound and having the time of our lives!'

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