Saturday, March 10


I am obsessed with all of the old Motels living amongst Hollywood. I keep stopping here and there to take photos of the neon signs - just because. 

On our third day we walked all day throughout the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. On this day, I also lived out another peculiar dream of mine - to get groceries in brown paper bags. It may have something to do with watching Home Alone 1 way too much as a youngin' and being envious of Macaulay Culkin doing his own grocery shop. That night we went to a Bowling Ally nearby. We drank, bowled, ate our first American hotdogs and played pool and arcade games all night.

Our alarm went off at 6am this morning. I woke up knowing exactly what it meant. It was time to drive miles away from Hollywood to pick up our home on the road/camper-van. Along the drive I felt anxious and excited, but once we saw it we instantly fell in-love. It displays a friendly little home inside, a ladder to the roof for star gazing and and awning to the side to provide shade from the sunshine. As a result of our new home, I learnt to drive on the right (wrong) side of the road and followed Kieran back to our hotel. On the highway and on my own. I had been giving Kieran pats on the back all week for braving the road and when the day was over, I was able to get some pats of my own. 

To top it off, the sunshine was blazing all day as we spent the afternoon in Beverley Hills admiring the mansions with crisp green grass and wrought iron double gates. I found everything on Rodeo Drive to be beautiful but oh so expensive. And although I may not own such things, a girl can always dream.

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