Thursday, July 7


I can tell my cactus plant Trudy is missing the pleasant sting of the summer sun. As of late she has been looking quite feeble and parched for warmth – and frankly so have I. Kieran said to me yesterday ‘did you know that this will be the last winter we will endure for over a year?’ Butterflies instantly flew into my stomach as I became mindful of this. In eight short months it will be time to bundle together all of my belongings and chase summer headed for the intriguing North American road where we will swap pennies for a charming vehicle that we will inhabit in for some months to come. Once this route meets the end we will soar high above the skies to the wondrous land of London, the place where I will call home for the foreseeable future. My new oyster.

Lately time has been so cheeky, slowing down and speeding up as it pleases. I have ran far far away with my imagination about the many things I long to do before I leave here. I wish to see my little sister smile surrounded by countless of her friends at her 21st birthday. There I will tell her I love her and how I wish Dad was there to see how beautiful she has grown up to be. I hope to leave my mother fulfilled and happy. I will comfort her about my awaiting departure and calm her worries by assuring her that her daughter will call and write often, and how I promise to always stay safe. I crave to own a trampoline for the summer; I will park it in my backyard amongst the tall shady trees and use it to have picnics on through daylight, and then transform it into a divan used for stargazing and storytelling of sundown. I wish to spend more time with my dear friends; where we will spend countless of afternoons’ sitting around doing sweet nothing together, bearing stomachaches from unstoppable laughter after reminiscing about amusing memories we share. I will devote to visit the ocean more; where my hair will be damp often from the sea and sprinkles of white sand will rest carelessly on my feet.

Pleasantly, the sunlit future makes for a lovely substitute. I become giddy thinking about gallivanting around America; How I long to see Kieran’s pleased expression when he is greeted by all the places he has never been to, but strangely knows everything about. I look forward to visiting Salvation Mountain in Slab City; a painted dessert mountain I am particularly charmed by. I am eager to become a wandering treasure hunter and visit countless of secondhand stores far and wide. Often I struggle to find patience once I begin to daydream about London; the infamous hassles one must face to attain an occupation, a home and a bank account does nothing but enthrall me. I look forward to having Europe as a close by neighbor and hope to meet new beings that can make me smile the same way my friends and family do.

Its unpredictable really how it will all unfold, this assumption tends to be terrifying particularly being the agenda making maniac that I am. Often I look around my home and become ignorant about how in the world I was able to accumulate so many ‘things’. Things that have provided me my nook all this while. My little comfort zone. Nevertheless I am eager to farewell my unnecessary possessions behind me to soar into my wandering freedom. 

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